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Our Facility

Carlisle Fairgrounds

As part of the Carlisle based season, events are held at the Carlisle PA Fairgrounds. The first such event was “Post War ’74” and it took place on September 26, 1974. At the time, the Carlisle PA Fairgrounds were rented on an event by event basis by Bill and Chip Miller (no relation). In 1981, after renting the fairgrounds for each event, the Millers purchased the property, which then totaled 70 acres (the picture reflects the Fairgrounds in the 1980s). Subsequent acquisitions brought its total to the current 82 acres.

1980s Carlisle Fairgrounds
Carlisle PA Fairgrounds

On property at the Carlisle Fairgrounds are two pavilions used for covered outdoor events and displays. Additionally, there are multiple indoor facilities used for activities ranging from a Kids fun to Special Displays and vendors. In addition, Building T features concessions and the Carlisle Store, where official event merchandise is made available.  Building's Y and R also host special displays and/or vendors for select events, while Building Z (area under the grandstand) hosts vendors too.  The Fairgrounds also welcome a number of annual third-party rental events.  These events range from community and family events to club based automotive events, and more.

Along with structures within its 82-acre fence line, Carlisle Events owns multiple properties off site as well. Those properties include parcels of land in the rehabilitated and redeveloped former International Automotive Components (IAC) complex, Carlisle Expo Center, and rental properties too.  Demolition on the IAC complex commenced in 2012 and since then has welcomed the construction of a hotel, residences and other mixed use commercial/residential areas.  The Carlisle Expo Center features the Spring and Fall Carlisle Collector Car Auction events as well as multiple third-party rental events during Carlisle’s “off weekends.” 

Carlisle Expo Center
Carlisle Fairgrounds
As the Carlisle footprint expands, so has its fan base. Post War ’74 drew just over 13,000 people. Now in its 6th decade, Carlisle Events sees that type of audience in a single day for some of its “smaller events” and averages more than a half a million enthusiasts per season.

Carlisle Events – Sustainability and Growth in the 21st Century


The 50th Anniversary season of Carlisle events concluded in the fall of 2024 but throughout the historic year, plans were underway to ensure the company remained committed to growth and sustainability for another 50 years!Carlisle Events has undertaken various projects designed to enhance the consumer experience and allow for a cleaner and more sustainable form of energy use.  Initiatives include a solar project with panels installed on the roof of the Carlisle Fairgrounds grandstand/food court area as well as the roof of the Carlisle Expo Center.  The solar project would not have been possible without the USDA, Carlisle Borough, F&M Trust, Green Works Development, Solar Renewable Energies, and more. In addition to going solar in 2024, lighting throughout the Carlisle Fairgrounds and Carlisle Expo Center has been upgraded to LED.   More than 1,000 bulbs of varying sizes and wattage have been replaced indoors, with exterior changes planned for 2025.Even more facility improvements were part of 2024.  This included property expansion and ground leveling in the northwest portion of the grounds, specifically near Gate 4. This allows for increased Showfield parking for select events and more than 100 new space options for vendors.  There are also mature trees in the area, offering shade.New floors are part of Carlisle Events’ future by way of a project powered by Epoxy Floor Experts, Inc.  Floor upgrades are planned for Building T (2024), the Food Court and Guest Services (2025), and Building Y (2026).The Gate 4 expansion isn’t the only expansion guests can enjoy.  Located about 500 yards east of Gate 6 on the east side of the facility, a new 8.2-acre parking area has been secured and prepared for guests.   The lot has a gravel road suitable for two-way traffic and includes ample space for about 900 vehicles of varying sizes.Back on the grounds, guests have enhanced seating options when looking to rest or eat.  More benches are being added around the facility and picnic tables are being refinished and painted. The last piece of 2024 that will stand for years to come is a new maintenance and security building.  The building, located just inside Gate 3, is over 3,500 square feet and includes another cool-down room for guests, a security office, and ample space for shop work.The future for Carlisle Events and its facilities is bright, and these improvements further confirm Carlisle Events’ commitment to the Carlisle community and the car show enthusiasts who have trekked to central PA since 1974.

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